HD Mesh Scenery v3 – Himalaya released!

Alpilotx/ May 11, 2015/ featured, News


A new addition to the successful donationware HD Mesh Scenery v3 series has been release. This time, covering the top of the world, the Himalaya “region”!

All usual “parameters” of the already existing HD Mesh Scenery v3 apply here too.
Special topics to be noted:

  • coverage is 6 “big tiles” (6.3 Gbytes), but not entire 10×10 degree areas. The covered area extends: from 70E to 100E, and 24N to 38N!
  • land cover data comes from a GLCN project (and this also shows, which area has high res landclass data): http://www.glcn.org/databases/hima_landcover_en.jsp
  • the Himalaya extension is based on latest (end of April 2015) OSM data

You can download the files via the map here:

Comparison screenshots (before / after) can be found here:

  • https://picasaweb.google.com/101666907909842492197/HDMeshSceneryV3Himalaya
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