HD Mesh Scenery v3 – South / Central America released!

Alpilotx/ November 30, 2015/ featured, Uncategorized


A new addition to the successful donationware HD Mesh Scenery v3 series has been release. This time, covering the rest of the American continent:

  • Central America
  • South America

All usual “parameters” of the already existing HD Mesh Scenery v3 apply to this scenery too. Special topics to be noted:

  • This new region was primarily made possible by teh ESA CCI Landcover data
  • the South/Central America extension is based on latest (end of October 2015) OSM data
  • 4 already existing HD Mesh Scenery v3 ZIP files (+20-080, +20-090, +20-100, +20-110) have been updated as they overlap with this new region, and thus most of the non US DSFs are re-created based on the new data (US tiles are included unchanged in these ZIP files). You can clearly see that this files are replacing older ones, as they have a V301 instead of V3 in their name.

You can download the files via the map here:

Comparison screenshots (before / after) can be found here:

  • https://picasaweb.google.com/101666907909842492197/HDMeshSceneryV3SouthAmerica?authuser=0&feat=directlink


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