XP10 DSF-to-GML v2 script released

XP10 DSF-to-GML v2 script released

This little free(donationware) script (now in Version 2) helps to transform most parts of DSF files of X-Plane 10 Global Scenery to the GML format. The GML file then can be opened with most modern GIS tools, like the open source tool QGIS, to visualize the internal data structure of the DSF. More infos on the XP10 DSF-to-GML v2 script

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X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 RELEASE

X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 RELEASE

X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 released! The free (donationware!) X-Plane 10 HD Scenery Mesh v2 is finally here after almost a year of work. It covers many of the “interesting” regions of the planet (over 55 Gbytes of data), covering: Europe (Iceland and Canaries included) USA (Hawaii included) Canada (most parts of it) Alaska You can find all other

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Yes, STILL NOT A RELEASE but at least some new PREVIEW screenshots – and proof that this project is alive – from Canada which received a very nice landclass update over the last weeks which will make it a worthy addition in the HD Mesh v2 regions! Follow this link to the gallery (or click the image below) For the

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Interview with me at Flightsim.com

Interview with me at Flightsim.com

Flightsim.com is working hard to increase their support for the X-Plane community. Not only did they introduced a new portal for the X-Plane world (x-plane.flightsim.com) but they als did lately an interview with me. So if you always asked, who this alpilotx guy is, here is your chance to learn (at least a tiny little bit more) about me, how

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X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v2 – PREVIEW

Here are some first PREVIEW screenshots (mostly from the European Alps) of my upcoming new X-Plane 10 HD Scenery Mesh v2! Follow this link to the gallery (or click the image below) A short list of the improvements: increased mesh density improved forest representation (in Europe, reprocessed/improved raw forest landclass data) all new OSM data (streets, railways, power lines, water)

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Video of New Zealand Pro for X-Plane 10

This video is showcasing the beautiful landscape of my X-Plane 10 scenery New Zealand Pro. Its my first experiment with a “larger” video, as I haven’t done much (well, nothing) in this area before (especially as I am on Linux … but I was surprised how polished video tools are nowadays). The scenery can be freely downloaded here on my

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X-Plane 10 New zealand Pro released!

The wait is over, and after 3 months of work, the X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro scenery is released! X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro is a complete replacement scenery package for New Zealand (North and South island). It is a combination of two parts. An extremely high resolution base mesh (even a bit higher than the other HD Scenery Mesh

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X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro – PREVIEW

I wanted to share some first preview screenshots of my upcoming “X-Plane 10 New Zealand Pro” scenery. All screenshots come in pairs, with before-after comparison (I recommend to browse trough them one-by-one at picasa, as this way you should see the differences more easily)… so you can see for yourself what its (and what its not) all about by following

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X-Plane 10 Tree Lines and Farms Scenery released

Today I have something new for X-Plane 10. A scenery, which tries to improve the look of the less “populated” areas of the default (or HD Mesh) Global Scenery, namely the agricultural areas, grasslands and pastures (the place, which can be wast and empty … especially in regions like the US Mid West etc.). This new scenery will add random

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